Required on-site visits can be planned more effectively. Remote support functions enhance service while reducing the number of site visits.
System technicians can connect up to 16 panels using peer-to-peer networking. Should the building structure change, facility owners can easily answer new requirements by quickly and cost-effectively expanding the system.
Flexible, cost-effective system planning-Siemens control panels are networkable and stay flexible for whatever the future holds.This technology is available in the new Siemens Cerberus PRO and Desigo Fire Safety portfolios, offering system designers and engineers: This means that in the unlikely event that a detector with ASAtechnology should trigger a false alarm Siemens pays for the fire call. Siemens detectors are so reliable the company offers a No False Alarm Guarantee. The technology is also immune to deceptive phenomena, meaning false events will not trigger an alarm. Siemens new detectors with ASAtechnology™ (Advanced Signal Analysis) detect fires as early as possible. And, our new remote viewing capabilities gives building operators faster and better insight into alarms, to improve their maintenance planning and budgeting.”Īt the core of every fire safety system design is reliability. We now offer dual smoke and CO detection, to meet standalone CO detection requirements with one device rather than two. Our sophisticated multi-criteria detectors provide more than 20 pre-configured settings to adapt easily to changes in building use. These new systems offer inherent flexibility to adapt to future expansion or changing building use conditions. “Even more challenging is the need to meet requirements cost effectively while planning for an often unknown future.
“Meeting current code and fire system design requirements is tough enough for building operators who need to ensure business continuity,” said Rich Lattanzi, vice president, Control Products and Systems for Siemens. For example, if the function of a room changes the fire detectors can be easily reconfigured by changing the application-specific detection profile. Additionally, the flexibility and scalability of system components allow them to be easily adapted to meet new conditions such as a growing business or changes in building use. All components have also been specifically engineered for interoperability, making system optimization simple and straightforward. Siemens fire protection systems are easy to operate and offer a complete range of panels, detectors and peripheral devices. Whether customers are seeking a fire system or an integrated fire safety solution from their local Siemens branch, or a turnkey fire system installed by a Siemens’ Authorized Distributor, Desigo Fire Safety and Cerberus PRO portfolios (respectively) provide facility owners and system specifiers comprehensive fire protection technology that guarantees immunity from false alarms. – Siemens Building Technologies Division has announcedy the introduction of its new Cerberus™ PRO and Desigo™ Fire Safety portfolios-advanced fire system panels and smoke detectors for small to mid-size applications.